* given you have the password


Sometimes we get a password-protected PDF file. We know the password, it’s just inconvenient to always enter it when you want to open it, so we may want to remove the password protection.

The easy way

Your favorite PDF viewer (or editor) may be able to remove the password, so if you only need to decrypt only one pdf, start there!

If you need a recommendation on a PDF viewer, I recommend PDF-XChange Viewer, it’s fast and free.
If you want to do that using PDF-XChange Viewer then you can do it by: (Open pdf), File -> Document Properties -> Security (category) -> change Security Method to “No Security” -> OK -> Close dialog -> Save file

However, if you need to decrypt many files at once, keep reading.

The automated way - QPDF

You can remove password using a command-line tool, QPDF.
Don’t worry, no install is required.

Note: We will use Windows 10, but QPDF should be available on other systems too.


First, download it then extract it somewhere.
For example, I extracted it to: d:\demo\qpdf-10.4.0\.


Open the command line.

Enter: Q --password=PW --decrypt DC NEW

  • Q: path to qpdf.exe
  • PW: the password of the file
  • DC: the path of the pdf file to decrypt
  • NEW: path to save the output file

So for example, in my case: D:\demo\qpdf-10.4.0\bin\qpdf.exe --password="asd" --decrypt "D:\demo\my_encrypted_pdf.pdf" "D:\demo\decrypted.pdf"

Result: I can find my decrypted (password removed) pdf at "D:\demo\decrypted.pdf".

Decrypt all files in directory

For advanced users: you can use this Powershell-script to decrypt all files in a directory:

# $pdfsDirPath: path to directory containing pdfs to decrypt
#   - decrypted pdfs are put to the \decrypted subfolder here
# $qpdfPath: path to qpdf.exe
# $pdfPassword: password of the pdf files

$pdfsDirPath = "d:\demo\script\pdfs-to-decrypt\"
$qpdfPath = "D:\demo\script\qpdf-10.4.0\bin\qpdf.exe"
$pdfPassword = "asd"

$decryptedPdfDirPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($pdfsDirPath, 'decrypted')

Get-ChildItem $pdfsDirPath |
ForEach-Object {
    $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.FullName)
    if ($extension -ne ".pdf") {
        Write-Host Skipping non-pdf file or directory: $_.FullName
    $decryptedPdfPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($decryptedPdfDirPath, $_.Name)
    & $qpdfPath --password=$pdfPassword --decrypt $_.FullName $decryptedPdfPath
    Write-Output Decrypted $decryptedPdfPath


  • If something does not work, maybe try the version I used, which is 10.4.0, or just read the error description 😃